Monday, 3 November 2014

Patchwork Challenge Update for the end of Summer- Paul Parsons

September and October are usually good for migrants, with a fair chance of finding something unusual. However, September was so mild and sunny that very little bird passage was noted on the reserve.

Moorhen and chick. Paul Parsons.
Highlights were a Tree pipit and three Sand martins on the 2nd, a Chiffchaff and a small influx of Robins and Thrushes on the 3rd and Willow warbler and Sedge warbler on the 5th. 6 Teal were new in on the 7th and a Common snipe was seen.

A new species for the list was Yellow wagtail- three were spotted on the new scrapes on the 9th. On the 17th, flocks of Swallows and House martins were seen heading south, Blackcap and Sedge warbler were sighted, Teal numbers were up to 18 and 20 Meadow pipits were in the fields.

Water Rail. Paul Parsons
On the 22nd a juvenile Water rail was on the Visitor Centre pond. A female Wigeon on the Northern Wetlands on October 10th was my 90th bird of the year and on the 11th 7 Goosander flew over the café and the first Redwings of the winter were seen.

Female Wigeon. Paul Parsons

The rest of the month was quiet but a Hobby was reported on the 17th on the Northern Wetlands.

Paul Parsons

NB. Paul is currently taking part in the Patchwork Challenge, where birders go out in their local area to spot as many birds as they can. He has chosen Parc Slip Nature Reserve as his patch. Read more about Paul's progress in the older posts on this blog.

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